Modern-Day Messengers


Modern-Day Messengers

Early and often did the Lord, the God of their ancestors, send his messengers

to them, for he had compassion on his people. —2 Chronicles 36:15

What messengers has God sent you recently —and with what messages?

If God is consistent, God still uses all manner of people to be messengers, just as God used a diverse cast of characters to get people’s attention in Bible times. Back then, God used children (like Samuel), refugees Naomi and Ruth, educated scholars from another land (the magi), loud-mouthed folks who appeared mentally unstable (John the Baptist), and the bold Mary who anointed Jesus’ feet with nard to call people’s attention to something important. As Chronicles tells us, God sends us messengers because God has compassion on us. God wants us to have life and to have it in its fullness, and the messengers are sent to help us see that. God does not send messengers to make our lives miserable or to ask the impossible of us. They come with a life-giving message, which, if we heed it, will lead to a greater fullness of life, a richer life, which is not necessarily the same as an easier life.

FOR PRAYER: Ask God to open your eyes and ears to recognize the messengers and the messages God is sending with compassion for you.

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