Who Here Needs Your Help?
Who Here Needs Your Help?
Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me. —Matthew 25:40
In a time where I needed my family most, my parents and family stood with and supported me, even though they grew tired themselves.
Straight after I had my son Dylan, I was drained and tired, he suffered with colic, and felt as though I never slept for 2 months and I had no job.
My parents could have thrown me out. But they did not, they helped with clothes, nappies, and food. They helped with trying to walk Dylan to sleep, taking me to clinic visits. My sister and brother had to sleep on the floor in another room. So that I could have a bedroom and a bed.
My parents and my siblings sacrificed a lot, to help my when I need them the most. Years later, when I asked my parents why, they said that they would do anything for their children.
We should be feeling the same way towards our Church family, and the community surrounding us. Do we know if anyone is struggling in our community, who is not eating, who is sick, who is about to lose their homes? Are we waiting for them to come forward, or are we going to them and saying: how are you? How can I help?
Maybe we cannot physically be with all of our loved ones right now. Perhaps we cannot visit our children or grandchildren, or we do not see our co-workers in person anymore. Maybe we can’t get together with our friends and other parishioners. If we cannot be Christ in person for them, who are the people in our daily lives right now whom God is calling us to feed, clothe, welcome, visit, or heal?
What tangible thing can you do today to be Christ for someone who is struggling right now?
One Comment
Cheryl R Parker
I try to call different people and check in with them. That chat helps both of us. Our church has a prayer email list. Not only can we pray, but it helps us to know what they are needing, too so that we can figure out other ways to help, if possible.