• Evening reflection from John 8:47-59

    When Jesus says that those who obey won’t die, he is talking about spiritual death, not physical death. Even physical death will eventually be overcome. Those who follow Jesus will be raised to live eternally with him. The great “I…

  • Evening Reflection from John 8:31-47

    Jesus himself is the truth that’s sets us free. He is the source of truth, the perfect standard of what is right. He frees us from continued slavery to sin, from deception, and from deception by Satan. He shows us…

  • Evening Reflection from John 5:19-29

    Evening reflection from John 5:19-29. Because of Jesus unity with God, Jesus lived as God wanted him to live. Because of our identification with Jesus, we must honour him and live as he wants us to live. Eternal life, living…

  • Evening reflection from Matthew 5:20-26

    Righteousness means having a right love for God leading to a right relationship with him and others, producing right actions. The Pharisees were exacting and scrupulous in their attempts to follow their laws. They thought that was what they needed…

  • Fickleness of Grief

    Grief is a fickle fiend. And totally unpredictable. We have all experienced the loss of a loved one at some point or another. Some a long time ago, and some very recent. There is a difference between mourning and grieving.…

  • Star Trek Discovery Row

    Today’s pattern is for the Star Trek Discovery Row along I took part in with Fandom in Stitches. You can find the rest of the rows on their website here. http://www.fandominstitches.com/2011/04/star-trek.html#startrekalong You can download my row below.

  • Summer Sensations

    In my clean up and re organizing I found another old pattern, that I haven’t shared yet. Summer Sensations, is a paper pieced Camping quilt. The size is a lap blanket, or can be used for picnicking.

  • Test Pattern Butterfly 1

    Hi everyone, I am looking for someone who can test some paper pieced butterfly patterns. There are 5 different butterflies. If you are willing, please use the contact form if you are interested. Then I can email the pattern to…