Blog updates and changes
Hi everyone,
After some reflection and contemplation about the past year and where the future is taking me. I have made some decisions about some of my activities.
I am expecting some of your leave me after this blog post, and I am OK with that. We are all different people with different views, and I respect that.
Most of you would have started following me, because of Fandom In Stitches and all the Quilt Alongs I designed patterns for. And through the Partners in Design group and my patterns through that group. And a few of you know me through the TTMT vlogging group with Jennifer Ofenstein from Sewhooked. Thank you for your loyal following over the last couple of years.
In terms of patterns and sewing, I have closed down my sewing business, and am in the process of closing all those Facebook pages and groups. Except the ones from Fandom in Stitches, an admin will run those groups. I will not be selling patterns again. Or designing.
This is not the end of my sewing though, as I love sewing and to stop would be like cutting of my right arm. Family and friends will still get sewn gifts from me and a lot of Church sewing is on the cards. And where I have time, I will still share a pattern here and there. Sewing will just not be my main focus. So I will still share some sewing stories here, whenever I can.
All my Fandom patterns, will still be available through Fandom in Stitches, which is hosted by Jennifer Ofenstein. Those won’t disappear. And I have my final sew along with Jennifer from January 2019, which will be my goodbye to the Fandom. All the patterns will be available on the FIS website.
The past year
Most of you will know already, how difficult the past year has been. Starting with the death of my 2 year old niece, that sent me into a spiral down into a dark hole, that I was struggling to get out of. Combined with some repressed memories surfacing, it was not a good start to the year. And I needed some serious counseling.
The Church
Early in the year, I found my way back to the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I discovered a passion for ministry in the Church. It has taken me the whole year, but I have realized that I have a mission to fulfill. One that I have been denying for decades. I have now accepted my calling from God, and will spend time learning and doing what I need to do, to fulfill my mission.
That is why I am changing my focus for this blog slightly, to include my journey into Ministry and Mission and study.
Thank you to everyone, who has been following me. If you are leaving my blog, that is OK! If you are staying, awesome!
I look forward to sharing my story with you into the future.
Happy Sewing!
Vanda Chittenden

You have to do what your heart tells you. When the Lord calls us, we don’t say no, if we’re smart. =) If you are sharing your ministering journey here, it will be interesting to follow you. I expect that as you help others heal, you will also find healing yourself. That’s how it works. Best of luck to you. I’m sorry you won’t still be designing with Partners in Design, because I like the projects and I liked your blocks. Always, though, Christ is the center and the focus of our lives. You’ve made a good choice.
Sparkle On! with Abbie
Hi Vanda, I wish you nothing but the best following your new path. I am happy that you have found your true calling, a special and rare gift.
I’m following your blog and hope to read updates from you in the future.
Cheryl Parker
I’m sorry about the loss of your niece. I am glad that you are back with God, and following the path he has for you. I’ll miss seeing your patterns, but, I was blessed with patterns from you, that are special to me (Peter Pan themed patterns). I’ll still be here to see what you are up to.
Kathleen McCormick
Vanda, I wish you great success and peace in your journey ahead. My prayers will be with you as you begin/continue this journey. I look forward to hearing about it when you do have time and are able to blog.
I can’t say it any better than what Antoinette has said above. My God bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon and give you peace. I will be praying for you.
Vanda, I am so sorry to hear about your niece and how that has impacted you. I am looking forward to hearing more about your new journey into missions. I will continue to follow you, and I will keep you in my thoughts and my prayers. Merry Christmas to you wrapped in big hugs.
Antoinette Vitrano
Dear Vanda, my deepest sympathy on the loss of your niece and your other struggles earlier this year. I am glad that you were able to get the counseling you needed, we all benefit from that from time-to-time. I am also sorry to hear that you are giving up your sewing business, I have benefited greatly from that. However, I understand your decision and applaud it. Too often our concern over other’s feelings/thoughts keeps us in a place we should not be. All of this, I am sure, was aided and directed by God. It is amazing what happens to us when we are able to listen to what has been there all along. I will continue to follow you, I am eager to hear about your journey into mission and ministry. I wish you all the best and will pray for you. Have a blessed Christmas and New Year! All the best.
Michelle Roberts from www.creativeblonde.co.uk
I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your niece, I can’t even begin to imagine how you get through something like that. I will of course continue to follow you, and look forward to hearing you’re stories. Stay strong and I wish you all the best for 2019 xx
Hi Michelle, thank you for your support. It has been an upside down, inside out year. But it all ended up for the better. So glad you are hanging around.
Love Vanda